The Foundation Opens the Call for Artistic Director of the Project ‘Novi Sad 2021’

Artistic Director is one of the most important positions in creating and implementing a successful European Capital of Culture project. Artistic Director is a person responsible for the artistic programme as a whole.

As it is stated in the Bid-book, this position should be filled during 2017, in order to have better selection and preparation of the programme up to, and during 2021, when Novi Sad will become European Capital of Culture.

After opening the call for PR Manager, the call for Artistic Director confirms that transparency, general participation and democracy are crucial for the Foundation.

The call for Artistic Director has been officially opened on 24 May, and you can find the precise job description and conditions that a candidate should meet in the text of the open call, located at the following link. 

You цan find the decision on the public call for the selection of Artistic Director (in Serbian) at the following link.

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