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Jazz from Seven European Capitals of Culture in Novi Sad

Seven bands from seven former, present and future European Capitals of Culture will make Jazz Marathon in Novi Sad on 9 November!

Svilara will be the place of gathering different European cultures, languages, nations, young energy, talent and jazz. The programme starts at 7 p.m., and the entrance is free.
Quarters 4tet comes from Matera, this year’s European Capital of Culture. They merge standards of traditional jazz and contemporary sound, and they will record their first album this year. The quartet won the first place for their repertoire at the Onyx Jazz Contest in Matera this year.

Oktatonik and JazzyBIT will present Novi Sad and Timișoara, the cities that will be the European Capitals of Culture in 2021. The main idea of the Oktatonik band from Novi Sad is performing copyright music along with the famous jazz hits, as well as music from other talented artists. They performed in the Dom Omladine in Belgrade on the occasion of marking 100th anniversary of Net King Cole’s birthday. JazzyBIT trio that has numerous awards such as: Newcomer from the Muzz Foundation Bucharest, European Jazz Award at the Tuscia Jazz Festival, Timişoara Jazz Award for the band of the year and all the members gained the award at the Banat Jazz for musicians of the year will perform combination of jazz and rock music, with elements of blues, latin and funk.

Two ladies that will bring female strength and talent to the Jazz Marathon share the message – be free, be kind. They form the FreeKind duo, which sends their strong messages through groove, r & b, jazz and soul music. The FreeKind comes from Maribor, the Slovenian city that was the European Capital of Culture in 2012.

Adam Jarzmik Quintet comes from Wrocław that held the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2017. They were formed four years ago and they find inspiration in classics such as Brad Mehldau, Aaron Parks and Aaron Goldberg. They won the main prize at the Jazz Individuality Competition as the result of cooperation with Mike Moreno, guitarist from New York.

Kaunas, the city in Lithuania that will bear the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2022, presents the Free Funk Society trio. They merges avant-garde jazz, groove, rock and funk in their music, and find inspiration in music from the ‘70. Since they love improvisation, their performance will be full of surprises.

The Hungarian Capital of Culture in 2023, Veszprém, will present the Németh Kyra Smallchestra, jazz ensemble that merge tradition, innovation and experimentation in creativity. As members say themselves, they constantly have a desire for exploration in music, which is why they try to offer the audience a number of different things, so their jazz is influenced by rock and blues and even electronic and folk music.
The Jazz Marathon is part of the Novi Sad Jazz Festival 2019 as well as the ‘Second Europe’ programme arch that will present different, hidden, minority, brave and challenging culture and art of the Novi Sad scene until 15 December. The Jazz Marathon is implemented by the Serbian National Theatre, Cultural Centre of Novi Sad and ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’. The programme is being implemented in cooperation among the European Capitals of Culture within the ‘European Jazz Orchestra Twins’ project from the Bid-Book.


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