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Kaleidoscope Presents Momo Kodama

After the extraordinary performance of the Spanish pianist David Moreno, the Kaleidoscope of culture will present another star from the world’s pianist scene, Japanese artist Momo Kodama who will perform within the ‘Piano City Novi Sad’ Festival. Pianist who has brilliant international carrier will open the festival with a concert in the Novi Sad Synagogue on Friday, 7 September at 8 p.m.

BBC Music Magazine described her as the artist who has music running through her veins, while, according to American Record Guide, crystal clear sound makes the programme hypnotising. Her repertoire ranges from classical and romantic periods to contemporary creative work. She has already recorded two albums for prestigious publishing house ECM, and comes to Novi Sad from the stages of the most prestigious world festivals of classical music such as Verbier, Marlboro, Tivoli and others.

The concert is dedicated to celebration of one hundred years from the death of Claude Debussy.

The following day, the audience will have a chance to see Andreas Kern, the author of the ‘Piano City’ concept who comes from Berlin. The man who presented classical music in most interactive ways will perform in LAB Cultural Centre on 8 September at 7 p.m.

The Kaleidoscope of Culture in cooperation with the ‘Piano City Novi Sad’ Festival will gather 120 participants from 10 countries from 7 until 9 September. Pianists of all ages – from students of music schools, students, amateur enthusiasts to artists with international concert carrier, will hold more than 70 concerts of classical, jazz, contemporary and popular music.

For the lovers of street art, the Kaleidoscope presents the ‘Co-Travellers’ exhibition that will be opened in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina on Friday, 7 September. The artists will make big format portraits of animals as the main topic in the concept of exhibition that deals with their important role in the history of mankind and potential contribution to the development of humanism in the future with stencil technique.

David Moreno captured audience attention with his performance in Suburbium of the Petrovaradin Fortress, on Thursday, 30 September. He thrilled citizens of Novi Sad who were following his every move, calling out ‘bravo’, as well as fearless dance of his choreographer and ballerina Cristina Calleja. Moreno came to Novi Sad within the ‘Plants AiR – Artists in Residence’ programme. This artist-in-residence programme is important since it gives the opportunity to local artists to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues across Europe. 21 artists from Europe will come to Novi Sad within the Kaleidoscope and artist-in-residence programme. The most dominant exchanges of artists are those with former, current and future European Capitals of Culture. Such concept of mobility is good both for artists and Novi Sad which already lives its title of the capital of culture.

After the Caravan, citizens of Novi Sad, as well as numerous tourists, will have a chance to see the presentation of one more Cultural Station. On 8 September, the Egység Chateau will open its doors inviting fellow citizens to create. ‘The Egység Opens its Doors’ is the name of manifestation which includes numerous programmes such as juggler and botanical workshops for children, basketball 3–on–3 tournaments, break dance competition and painting murals and graffiti, tango workshops, as well as performance of the ‘Radio’ pop choir and jazz trio of Đorđe Obradović during one day.


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