
Management of Creative Districts: Kineska – Creative Polis

The ‘Management of Creative Districts: Kineska – Creative Polis’ conference will be held in the Historical Archives of the City of Novi Sad from 23 until 25 October. The main idea of the conference is the consideration of possibilities for safe and sustainable model of the ‘Kineska’, future cultural district of Novi Sad. 20 speakers from 6 countries will feature the conference.

The aim of the conference is to define the frame of creative work and find the best applicable model for management of ‘Kineska’ Creative District as the initial step for defining guidelines for drafting the city document for management of the future creative polis.

What the challenges in management of creative polises are, review of world practices, what the good models of management for Kineska creative polis are – these are some of the topics that will be initiated during the three-day conference. Furthermore, participants will talk and share experience about spaces, property rights, structural and creative aspects of managing the ‘Kineska Quarter’ as important support hub for cultural creativity and development of creative industries of Novi Sad through presentation of examples and experience with the focus on Europe and European Capitals of Culture.

The conference will gather relevant speakers in the field of organisation and management of creative districts from the world, region and Serbia, with the focus on examples of good practice from the cities similar to Novi Sad. The most prominent speakers at the conference will be: Dr Srđan Jovanović Weiss, architect and professor, ‘The City College of New York-Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture’ (New York), Ms Nina Rappaport-Hall, Vertical Urban Factory, Yale School of Architecture (New York), Martin Dani, K13- Košice Cultural Centre (Slovakia), Katarina Živanović, Kulturfabrik, Košice (Slovakia) and Maja Lalić, Mixer House, Belgrade-Sarajevo.

Within the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project, the Kineska Quarter is envisaged as a Creative Centre of Novi Sad where young people can express their creativity.


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