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Young Scientists from the Danube Region Guests in Novi Sad

Danube International Seminar


The Organisation Board for the candidacy of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture 2021 pays special attention to educational and participatory projects dedicated to young people. Therefore, in the previous period, it organised a number of projects with the goal of involving young people in cultural events in Novi Sad, with special emphasis on international cultural cooperation. These events will certainly be a priority in the future and they will be an important part of strategy and applications for carrying out the program of the European Capital of Culture.

The seminar was organised by the Research Centre of the Danube Region in Novi Sad, which is engaged in organisation of seminars and other events in the field of research in the region. The project was implemented in cooperation with the European Danube Academy (EDA), public institutions and private companies, as well as domestic and foreign partners in the Danube region.

Accordingly, the Board decided to support organisation of the Danube International Seminar, which brings together 25 young experts in the Danube region with the goal of non-formal education, networking and cooperation between the youth in this important geographic area. Participants of the seminar are young researchers, master and PhD students, as well as graduate students from different countries of the Danube region. This project is focused on the acquisition of new knowledge in the area of Danube research but also on dealing with the challenges and problems of young people in this region.

The International Danube Seminar will be held in the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad in the period 1-4 April 2015. There will be five lectures, two panel discussions, lectures of representatives of successful companies, organised museum visit and tour of the city. The seminar will be officially closed with the awarding of certificates to the participants in city institutions.

Links between the International Danube Seminar and project Novi Sad in 2021 can be seen in different segments. The International Danube seminar is a multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-religious project whose purpose is to introduce participants to the regional characteristics in various fields, including culture. Due to its specific geopolitical and geographical position, Novi Sad is an ideal choice for hosting this seminar. Bearing in mind the historical and cultural characteristics of Novi Sad, it is clear that the city represents an intercultural environment and as such stands and evolves in the centre of the Danube basin. This development has a direct impact on the candidacy of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture. Promotion of the city’s cultural capacity and offer, firstly in the countries in the region and then in all of the Europe, affects the success of the campaign and implementation of the project Novi Sad 2021. This study visit of participants from the countries of the Danube region will be an opportunity to present all cultural capacities of Novi Sad as well as historical heritage that the city has, starting from monument and visiting institutions that are responsible for the development of the city. Part of this seminar will be a presentation of cultural and creative industries whose development is contributing to Novi Sad becoming one of the pioneers in this field in the Danube basin.

As it was already stated, this is just one of the projects for international and regional cooperation between young people in the field of culture, art and informal education that was organised within the candidacy for European Capital of Culture. In April last year, a seminar entitled ‘Youth Cultural Activism and Intercultural Dialogue’ was organised by the Board, with financial assistance from European funds. It brought together 30 young cultural activists from all over Europe. This is an opportunity to remind ourselves of the seminar and the video material can be seen here.

Program for the seminar can be found here.


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