
Moba for Schools: First Training Held

The first training for facilitators held on 9, 10 and 11 August in the Egység Cultural Station, within the ‘Moba for Schools: Join and Find the Solution’ project implemented in cooperation with the ‘OPENS 2019’.

The training for facilitators was organised so that they can acquire necessary knowledge about participative democracy and its mechanisms and skills regarding the work with different groups of people.

During the training, participants had a chance to develop their professional competence while using the specific knowledge necessary for work in projects of participative budgeting.

The special focus was on ways of identifying youth, thus facilitators were trained to give the support for young people in the process of identifying those needs and process of idea development.

‘Facilitators are educated persons, who will lead the process of participative budgeting in Secondary Schools, within the ‘Join and Find the Solution’ programme. The young will learn to recognise the needs of community and give a solution through creative approach to problems. Facilitators will help high school students to develop their ideas and take the opportunity to directly influence changes in school and environment in which they spent the most time during day in the best possible way’, Milica Rašković addressed participants of the training on behalf of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’.                                                                     

The ‘Moba for Schools’ project is part of the Bid Book of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project. The training is strategically focused on the transformation of Novi Sad by involving citizens, encouraging democratic decision processes and development of participative democracy among young people with the aim to implement activities useful for community.


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