Continuing to Connect the Two Danube Banks through ZONE 021 Platform

Novi Sad won the European Capital of Culture title for 2021 together with three municipalities of the northern Srem, within the so called Zone 021. On 17 May, at the initiative of Jovan Podraščanin, the assistant of the Provincial Secretary, the representatives of the Novi Sad 2021 Foundation met with the representatives of three municipalities Sremski Karlovci, Irig and Beočin in the Assembly Hall of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. During the meeting, the concept of the candidacy, principles of work, priorities, as well as potentials of the most important European cultural project were presented. The attendees have had a chance to inform themselves about developmental plans of the Foundation, infrastructure, participation, and international projects and platforms. They were also informed about the organisational structure and work procedures of the Foundation, with the goal to establish efficient communication among all included interested parties of the Zone 021.

After the presentation, as part of the constructive discussion, they discussed the framework of the future cooperation, as well as the potentials of joint application to various EU funds. Apart from developmental projects, the focus of the discussion was on programmes that can be implemented in the above mentioned municipalities based on the programme from the Bid-book. The Foundation suggested that Municipalities of Irig and Beočin, based on the work done in Sremski Karlovci, map the active organisations and individuals in their environments in the field of culture and social activism in order to form a single base of cultural and social workers of the Zone 021.


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