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The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation Brings a Spectacle to the Opening of the Gradić Fest

Within the artists-in-residence programme of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, Spanish pianist David Moreno will have an extraordinary performance in the air on Thursday, 30 August, at 9 p.m. in front of the Belgrade Gate, in Suburbium of the Petrovaradin Fortress.

Mr Moreno comes to Novi Sad within the Kaleidoscope of Culture, the aim of which is joint creation of space and culture. As the Kaleidoscope itself, David Moreno searches for extraordinary artistic expression connecting music, theatre, dance, film and other types of art, thus shaping his unique, recognisable stage expression.

After the unforgettable opening ceremony of the Kaleidoscope at the so-called Czech Magazine, the audience in Novi Sad will have a chance once again to see the performance which will leave them breathless. After traditional parade of Novi Sad citizens and participants of the Street Musicians Festival through the streets of Novi Sad, Spanish artist will present himself to the audience with the ‘Foten Tecles’ piano performance 6 metres above the stage. The lid of his piano will be cinema canvas for projection of the film in which Moreno himself participates, as an actor, performer and extraordinary artist.

In addition to David Moreno, right from the Cosmos to our planet, comes Svemirko (Spaceman) – Marko Vuković, musician who will try to separate your mind from your body. After the ‘Vanilija’ album, emo-macho pop continues its sound progression with the second studio album ‘Tunguzija’ which he will perform on Friday, 31 August at midnight, at the main stage in Suburbium of the Petrovaradin Fortress.

You will find out how the biggest music hits sound when played on children instruments on Saturday, 1 September from 10.30 p.m. at the main stage of the Gradić Fest as well.

The Wackids, French music group, performs songs on Japanese synthesizer and ‘Hello Kitty’ kid set of drums and presents the real surprise for all visitors.

This is how we continue the Kaleidoscope – the work of culture of togetherness of Novi Sad, which will be presented through numerous existing and new platforms and new contents in the following five weeks. Through architecture, literature, performing art, applied and visual arts, the audience will enjoy extraordinary performances of foreign and local artists at more than 80 locations. Other interesting programmes of the Kaleidoscope are opening of new places – Corso and Egység, music concerts from classical to rock music, ‘Bloody Wedding’ and ‘Cinderella’ theatre performances, ‘Prisoner and Six-fingers Man’ puppet show for adults, contemporary circus, interesting exhibitions across Novi Sad such as ‘Companions’, ‘New Places’, media installations, contemporary dance, film presented in a traditional way and in ways never seen before and numerous other contents.

You can find out more about programmes on our official web presentation: www.kaleidoscope.rs


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Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

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Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

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