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The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation Presents 9 Arts at the OPENS Youth Fair

The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation represents diverse programme for young people through the concept of interactive workshops representing 9 arts at the upcoming 7th OPENS Youth Fair held at three locations in Novi Sad on 10 and 11 July. Content for young citizens of Novi Sad is organised in workshops which will be held during the manifestation at the Foundation stand in Liberty Square from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m.

The first day is reserved for music, film and comic books, dance and theatre, and the second one for architecture, painting and sculpting, as well as literature. Workshops will be moderated by the experts in the fields, and the idea of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation is to draw the attention to the importance of raising cultural awareness and encouraging creativity among young people by inviting them to participate in interactive workshops in order to be ready to ‘live’ and revive cultural capacities of the city with full intensity in 2021, when the city will become the European Capital of Culture.


Tuesday, 10 July 2018


The workshop of creative dance is led by Mia Inić, dance pedagogue and choreographer and Tatjana Štricki, the member of the ‘DANS Ensemble’.

The idea: exploring new dimension of non-verbal communication and encouraging personal expression through creative dance.


The workshop is led by Marina Adamov Stojadinović, composer, solo artist and President of the ‘O&M Academy of Fun and Arts ‘ with associates Dunja Deurić (music pedagogue and conductor) and Irina Arsenijević (vocal soloist, YouTuber).

The idea: hearing test, open microphone, harmonies training, discussion about music and instruments.


Interactive workshop led by Milan Inić (Yasserstain YouTube Channel).

The idea: ‘Ask Me Anything’ – questions and answers, presenting the process of creation of a YouTube show.


Jovan Gvero will introduce the types of comic books and process of their creation to participants of the workshop, while the audience will have a chance to talk with the authors of comic book.


On behalf of the ‘Drž’ ne daj’ theatre troupe, the workshop will be led by Sonja Leštar, Theatre Graduate and drama pedagogue.

The idea: the focus of the workshop are theatre and improvisation exercises. Interaction is achieved by quizzing the visitors. Tickets for the ‘Drž – ne daj’ performance’ that will be played in September will be the award for the best participants.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018


‘Studio Mano’ Association of Citizens, Dejana Nešović, Painting Graduate and Mia Stojanović, Sculpting Graduate, will organise the workshop on the topic of ‘Travels – My Inspiration’.

The idea: familiarising with different painting materials and working with clay – discovering possibilities in order to express as creatively and boldly as possible.


The workshop is led by Dragana Pilipović and Daniela Dimitrovska on behalf of the Centre for Stage Design, Architecture and Technology of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.

The idea: creating space composition (a model) from different materials such as cardboard, paper, foil and wires.


The workshop is implemented with the help of the City Library of Novi Sad

The idea: besides the exhibition of books by famous authors from Novi Sad and authors who have written about Novi Sad and the exhibition of children books, interactive part of the programme is designed for declamation of prose fragments and verses for children, young people and adults, especially the opus by Miroslav Antić (being the literature symbol of Novi Sad) and other writers as well.

Besides the events at the Liberty Square, ‘Summer Adventure Starts with More Excitement’ will be held in Katolička Porta and in the OPENS office (Laze Telečkog Street no. 2).

Check the whole manifestation programme.

The organisers of the OPENS Youth Fair, under the patronage of the City of Novi Sad, the Tourist Organisation of the City of Novi Sad, EXIT Team, and with the support of the OPENS 2019 Organisation, the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation and partners of the manifestation: Fortuns, Musical Youth of Novi Sad, Strada, Barmens, P.K. Adrenalin, Association of Fruška Gora, organised by the City Jam, Converse and Shopping Night prepared diverse programme for visitors.



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