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Novi Sad 2021: Two Open Calls for Cultural Managers Launched

The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation launches for the first time an open call for cultural institutions, organisations of civil society and non-institutional scene to participate in the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme on 24 June, while workshops for writing projects for non-institutional scene (non-governmental organisations, independent artists, cultural workers) will be held from 26 until 28 June. Deadline for both applications is 21 June.

Presenting the ‘Europe for Citizens’ Programme

The main focus of the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme of the European Union, which is meant for cultural institutions, organisations of civil society and non-institutional scene of Novi Sad and Zone 021 (Sremski Karlovci, Beočin, Irig), is cooperation with cultural workers from Europe, learning about European standards and greater involvement of citizens.
The programme will be presented in the Egység Cultural Station (Antona Čehova Street no. 4) on 24 June at 1 p.m., when cultural workers will have a chance to learn about objectives and priorities of the ‘Europe for Citizens’ project, its structure and deadlines for applications, as well as results of the contestants from Serbia. Individual consultations on project proposals will be held after the presentation. 
The EU programme ‘Europe for Citizens’ in Serbia is being implemented by the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation and the Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and interested cultural workers can apply only via: sanja.atanaskovic @ civilnodrustvo.gov.rs no later than 21 June, at 2 p.m.

Financing Projects of Non-Institutional Scene from EU Funds 

Non-governmental organisations in the field of culture, independent artists and cultural workers will have a chance to inform about and educate how to individually create project proposals in accordance with conditions and financial restrictions within the ‘Possibilities for Financing from EU Funds’ there-day training. 
During the training, participants will develop skills and stances that are needed for taking active roles in development and implementation of projects at local and regional levels.
The training will be held from 26 June until 28 June, and since the number of participants is limited, applications are necessary until 21 June via: djula.ribar@ns2021.rs Application for the workshop should contain the following information:
– Name and surname
– Organisation
– Telephone number
– E-mail
– Knowledge of English (rate from 1 to 5)
– Experience in EU projects (yes / no) 
‘Possibilities for Financing from EU Funds’ trainings, which are being implemented in cooperation with the ‘European Affairs’ Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, present the further cooperation of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation with independent and non-institutional cultural and artistic scene on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, through presentation of possibilities for financing from the EU funds, as well as the procedures of application and project writing.


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