Novi Sad Became Part of the ’Orange Cities’ Network within the ‘O-City’ International Project

Everybody will have access and contribute with their knowledge within the three-year project, the ’Orange City – O-City: Creativity, Innovation and Technology’. The aim is to create an online intercultural platform, which will include the cultural heritage of different countries. Novi Sad also joined the project.

‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ and Business Incubator Novi Sad, representatives of Novi Sad, were selected to be partners in the project at the beginning of the year and they will cooperate with different business organisations and educational institutions in Spain, Slovenia, Greece, Italy and Columbia.

Representatives of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation and Business Incubator presented the ‘O-City’ trophy to Zorica Šijak, Head of the City Administration for Culture, in order to highlight the official support of the City of Novi Sad in the important international project.

Within the ‘O-City’ project, the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ aims to contribute to local and regional development of culture through the promotion of cultural heritage in contemporary ways, activate local cultural scene and increase demand for trained experts in creative technologies.

The ‘O-City’ project has three phases. The first one is to discover and promote the cultural (tangible & intangible) heritage of cities, as well as to create new legacies, in terms of development of identity of the community and its citizens.

The second one is to encourage creative economy by training experts in the field of creative technologies in order to integrate their knowledge into existing or new companies. It also means that institutions and organisation that deal with culture should look toward the modern approach and contemporary technologies.

The third phase is the modernisation of Universities, i.e. transferring and acquiring knowledge that should be based on project launching, encouraging team work, trainings and improving skills and tools for innovative learning.

The idea is to reach these goals through knowledge, sharing the examples of good practice and cooperation between triple creative partnership: Universities, enterprises and cities that will create a valuable Think Tank for the creation of innovations that have the impact on environment.

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