
Novi Sad Voluntary Service at the Volunteer Fair

On Monday 5 March 2018, the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation and OPENS 2019 will present the Novi Sad Voluntary Service to students and other visitors at the Volunteer Fair at the Faculty of Philosophy.

The Novi Sad Voluntary Service will use the workshop ‘Using Voluntary Work to Get a Job’ to take all attendees through the process that takes you from voluntary work to a job. All who are interested to find out what voluntary work means for us, can apply for the workshop here. The goal of the workshop is to inform participants on how to improve their knowledge and skills through voluntary work within different programmes that are predominantly offered by European projects of the two capitals, as well as other organisations. The Novi Sad Voluntary Service is a unique platform that will provide completely new and different organisation of volunteer work, which will have its purpose and goal by taking into account the needs and wishes of volunteers with professional accomplishment, as well as organisations that have the need for quality voluntary work.

The Department for Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, is the organiser of the Volunteer Fair. During the Fair, in the hall of the Faculty of Philosophy, the visitors can be informed about organisations that provide voluntary work. The goal for organising this manifestation is to create an opportunity for the interested to find out about numerous voluntary organisations, their programmes and projects at one place. Although the Fair is intended to students and young citizens of Novi Sad, it is open for all.


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