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Performance in the Gallery of Matica Srpska Connects Dance and Artwork

How can we discover the permanent exhibition in a museum or gallery through dance?

An extraordinary performance called ‘Dancing Museums’, which is scheduled for 11 August at 7 p.m. in the Gallery of Matica Srpska, will give us the answer. Steve Kamseu, French choreographer, together with the ‘Groove’ Dance Association, will show us in which way dance can offer new ways of experiencing art and cultural heritage.

The ‘Dancing Museums’ is implemented by the ‘Novi Sad 2021 –  European Capital of Culture’ in cooperation with the ‘Groove’ Dance Association, French Institute and ‘Košnica’ Association of Citizens, with the idea to connect local scene, i.e. dancers, galleries, museums and community (audience) with the language familiar to everyone – dance.

‘Dancing in museums can have different directions and dimensions and participation of local dancers is very important. I strive to introduce dancers into public spaces, museums, to make them feel the atmosphere and connect with artistic work, in order to bring cultural heritage closer to the audience with their movement. I encourage them to think, make effort, combine content and form, in order to place their work between industry and art, poetry and fun, making it an exciting trip for audience. I have already cooperated with the ‘Groove’ Dance Association, they are great dancers and we have excellent connection’, said Kamseu before the performance in the Gallery of Matica Srpska.

Mr Kamseu implemented the idea of ‘Dancing Museums’ for the first time in the National Museum of History of Immigration in 2017. As he himself says, he has managed to take public to spaces that are not visible and accessible, far from the permanent exhibition, and to present artistic work and facility of the Museum that was built in ‘30s in a whole different way.


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