
Saturday in the Gallery Square in Token of Audience in Focus

Celebrating the end of the school year, International Children’s Day, as well as the end of the season of numerous projects implemented by the Gallery of Matica Srpska in cooperation with the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, within the ‘Audience in Focus’ public call, the Gallery Square will be the place where young people and children will gather on Saturday, 1 June.

The programme begins in the ‘Sava Tekelija’ great hall, on Saturday, 1 June at 11 a.m., when the surprise concert for babies and parents will be held. The concert is implemented within the ‘Growing up with Art – Babies in the Gallery’ project in cooperation with Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra and Music Youth of Novi Sad, within the ‘Audience in Focus’ public call of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation. If you miss the concert at 11 a.m., visit the Gallery at 12:30 p.m., when musicians will perform again for your children.

Workshops for children ‘Let’s Revive the Gallery Square’ will be also held from 11 a.m., while the exhibition of children’s work entitled ‘My Artistic Adventure’, which is organised in cooperation with the ‘Radosno Detinjstvo’ preschool institution, will be held in the park in front of the Gallery at 12:30 p.m.

Thanks to ‘Little School of Museology’ and ‘CULture through Novi Sad’ projects, which were implemented within the ‘Audience in Focus’ public call of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, high school students actively participated in the creation of the programme of the Gallery of Matica Srpska. One of the results of these numerous activities is a guided tour through the current exhibition ‘Đura Jakšić. Between the Myth and Reality’, which begins the same day at 5 p.m., and during which high school students will be involved in the implementation of the project, by interpreting the exhibition from their perspective.

The school year was in token of the youngest, since they enjoyed art and culture in an interesting and creative way through programmes such as ‘Growing up with Art – Babies in the Gallery’, ‘The little school of Museology’ and ‘CULture through Novi Sad’, in cooperation between the ‘Gallery of Matica Srpska’ and ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation.

Celebration of 1 June in the Gallery Square points out the importance of orientation of institutions towards children and young people, while stressing the significance of the square as an important cultural point of the city.


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