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The Most Significant Names in Design Will Mark the End of the Kaleidoscope of Culture in Novi Sad

The last week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture begins with the Design Pavilion. The week of applied arts will take place in Novi Sad from 2 until 9 October and it will gather some of the most important European and local figures in design, as well as young authors in applied arts.

One of the most important European design studios, Bureau Borsche from Germany, whose provocative concepts move boundaries of graphic design and whose quality was recognised by Givenchy, Biennial of Art in Venice, Apple, Studio Mut from Italy, whose portfolio comprises works for Louis Vuitton, Royal College of Art London, works by graphic designer Erich Brechbühl, winner of numerous awards including Graphic Designer of the Year in Switzerland and jury award at the China International Poster Biennial, are some of the works that the audience will have a chance to see within this year’s Design Pavilion that will be opened in front of the Novi Sad giant of modern architecture, the SPENS building, on 2 October at 8 p.m.

The exhibition was designed and curated by the PDP conference, and it has been implemented within the week of applied arts of the Kaleidoscope of Culture programme arch by the Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture.

More than 70 authors and copyright collectives from 26 countries, including Italy, France, Poland, Greece, United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Norway, Croatia, Island, Netherlands, Cyprus, Turkey and Serbia, will present their works in Novi Sad.

After the last year’s ‘Swiss Style Now’, exhibition of contemporary Swedish graphic design, this year’s Design Pavilion will present the exhibition of graphics ‘ALLSTARS + SUPERNOVAE’. The exhibition will consist of two parts – ALLSTARS, presenting the works by artists invited by PDP conference, as well as SUPERNOVAE, presenting the works by new names and new hopes in the field of design in Europe. The exhibition will last until 18 October.

Pintura Association will present themselves and gather four ‘street art’ artists within Design Pavilion. Dulait, Tony Star, Rosh Panonsky and Sensi will paint four panels on Saturday, 3 October from 1 until 6 p.m. These artists will answer the topic of ‘Process’ with their artistic concept entitles ‘Up & Down’, which presents, according to authors, unpredictable and integral part of every creative work.

The mural by artist Jovan Ćurčić on the building of the Novi Sad Theatre will mark the week of applied arts. The mural is adapted to the building of the theatre, and it presents a girl putting a fox mask on her face. The work is inspired by fables and presents the enthusiasm of an artist on the stage, since the girl looks like as being transformed into the animal. Her long hair and threads as a symbol of movement and leaving a trace are in the background.

Concerts, exhibitions, performances, children workshops in Novi Sad cultural stations

The Svilara Cultural Station will gather fans of rock music on Friday, 2 October at 8 p.m., since the ‘Love Hunters’ band will present the ‘PEACE, OK’ album dedicated to Novi Sad. New songs by the ‘Love Hunters’ band, that has been making a contribution to the Novi Sad cultural and music scene and abroad for 33 years in their own way, will be the reflection on music heritage of the city, i.e. the golden era of Novi Sad bands.

The ‘Love Hunters for Novi Sad’ project points out the need for both new and old performers who revive and reinvigorate all quality music cultures of Novi Sad.

The ‘Efemerni Prostori Efemera Kolektiva’ (En. Ephemeral Spaces by the Ephemera Collective) exhibition will be opened in the Svilara Cultural Station on Wednesday, 7 October. The exhibition will present projects implemented in the period 2012-2020., and ephemeral collection will be presented through eight projects implemented in Prague, Novi Sad, Manilla and Edinburgh in cooperation with friend that support Ephemera’s work – Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, the Envelope Room organisation and Grid Iron theatre company, De La Salle University – College of Saint Benilde, International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre (INFANT) and Paster Institute in Novi Sad.

During the following days, the audience will have a chance to enjoy the ‘Contemporary Painting on Ceramics’ exhibition by Gabriela Sigeti, which will be opened in the Egység Cultural Station on 2 October; ‘Omajas’ artistic performance by the Centre for Circus Art, which will be held in Svilara on 3 October. On the same day, the Camp of Contemporary Circus for children by the Kreativni Pogon association will be held in the Rumenka Cultural Station.

Educational, contemporary, circus play for children ‘Hrabra Obućarka Mili’ (En. Mili, the Brave Shoemaker) will be performed in the Bukovac Cultural Station on 6 October. The next day, on 7 October in the Egység Cultural Station, the ‘Saksofonom kroz Muzičke Epohe’ (En. The Saxophone in Music Epochs) concert will be held.

The concert that will present the creative work by Josip Slavenski, i.e. String Quartets no. 1 and no. 2 by Josip Slavenski, as well as the composition for alt and string quartet ‘Pjesme Moje Majke’ (En. Songs by My Mother), is scheduled for 9 October in the Bukovac Cultural Station.

Organisers kindly ask all visitors to adhere to all measures in order to maintain health and enjoy cultural events. Visitors are obliged to wear masks during all events. The maximum number of visitors, which is 500 people in public spaces and indoors, is being monitored during events.


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