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Tickets for Programmes within the Celebration of Doček 7527 Available

We inform you that ticketing for concerts that will be take place on 13 January within Doček 7527 has started since 31 December. The concerts will be held in the evening, only in closed spaces, and it will be spread across the city at more than 40 locations.

Part of the programme is free and open for audience, while tickets for other events are available in Gigs Tix ticket offices in limited numbers at promotional prices.

Novi Sad will host famous European artists of different music genres during the evening, thus classical and spiritual music, rock, electronic, pop, punk, reggae, hip hop and ‘world music’ will feature the celebration of another Doček in the city on 13 January and justify the epithet of a unique concept Novi Sad is known for.

The future European Capital of Culture will present the most famous violin virtuosos. Roman Simonović, soloist of the London Philharmonic Orchestra will perform in the Synagogue, while famous Roby Lakatos will present his most significant improvisations in which he combines jazz, classical music and Hungarian Romani music in the Serbian National Theatre. The premiere of the ‘Baš Čelik’ opera for children, based on the motifs from one of the most famous Serbian fairy tales, will be performed in the oldest national theatre, and actress Jovana Balašević will join the ‘Visoko C’ troupe.

The Partibrejkersi, band that has been present at the Serbian music scene for 40 years, will perform with the Ritam Nereda, which celebrates 30 years since its foundation, in the small hall of SPENS. The Planet of Zeus band, characterised by electronic sound and energetic performances, which is one of the leading bands in Greece, will join them.

Lena Kovačević, diva with powerful singing voice, favoured by the local audience, will feature the repertoire of Doček 7527, while Sana Garić, talented artist with suggestive female vocal, will reach out to the spirits ouf audience and take it to timeless spaces in the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad. The scene of the Novi Sad Theatre will be reserved for Đorđe Mladenović (Sky Wikluh), the Shamrock Bar will host the ‘Nemesis’ – female death metal band, while the ‘Bitipatibi’ will capture the audience attention with her recognisable India manner in the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad.

This year, the Second Dream: Sloxxx b2b Benjamin Fehr (Germany) present electronic experimental music, while the world famous stars of trance music: Etnica & Pleiadians (Italy/Spain) live acts, as well as E-Mantra (Romania) and DJ Adept (Russia) will perform during the ‘Back to the Roots’ party in Novi Sad.

Bane Krstić and Garavi Sokak will perform recognisable hits of Vojvodina at the ‘Pera Dobrinović’ stage of the Serbian National Theatre, while legendary ‘Atomsko Sklonište’ will perform in the ‘Petőfi Sándor’ Hungarian Cultural Centre.

You will have a chance to feel the reggae rhythm in Novi Sad with the performance of famous Del Arno Band within Doček 7527 in Studio M. The Zemlja Gruva, one of the best Belgrade bands, will wish all the best to the audience and perform in the Svilara Cultural Station.

The citizens will have a chance to hear the ‘Iznad Istoka i Zapada’ concert of spiritual choir music known for its combination of spiritual lyrics and rock arrangements and enjoy the performance of Sanja Ilić & Balkanika in the Youth Theatre. With Kabare Bre and their circus performance in SPENS and many other artists who will feature the celebration, this is only the part of the programme that we can expect during Doček 7527 in Novi Sad on 13 January.

The two celebrations are future gala opening and closing of 2021, when Novi Sad will become European Capital of Culture.


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