
Workshop on Cultural Mediation

The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, in cooperation with the Institut français de Serbie and Gallery of Matica Srpska, organises Museomix workshop that will be held in the Gallery of Matica Srpska on 24 April beginning at 5 p.m.

The workshop is organised within the tour of the project French Tech Culture in Serbia, whose goal is to promote innovative approaches in the field of cultural heritage and is intended for workers in museums, as well as all professionals who work in the field of cultural mediation at the local level.

The workshop is led by Magdaléna Lataillade. Magdaléna graduated in the field of history of contemporary art at the Sorbonne University and in the field of cultural mediation at the Ecole du Louvre, and for years she has been working as a producer of concerts and exhibitions in Paris and in Lille, where she works in the field of social design. Since 2014, she has been working as a manager in the Sector for Culture and Cultural Heritage of the City of Arles, where she manages the Museomix project (adjusting formats, meetings of professionals, support in applying museomix methodology, etc.), organises annual salon for professionals in the field of culture and cultural heritage, and coordinates projects that connect innovation, digitisation and culture.

All who are interested to participate at this free workshop need to send an application (name and last name, institutions/organisation, e-mail address) no later than 22 April to the following address:

E-mail subject: Application for MUSEOMIX workshop.

The number of participants is limited to 25.



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