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World Famous Hit Makers Filatov & Karas, with Magnifico and Dr Nele Karajlić for Doček 2019 in the Liberty Square

Novi Sad, as the European Youth Capital and future European Capital of Culture, will be presented by regional and world famous musicians.

Doček, two celebrations of New Year’s Eve – celebration of New Year’s Eves according to Julian and Gregorian calendars, continues this year with performances of Magnifico, Dr Nele Karajlić and world famous DJ duo Filatov & Karas in the Novi Sad Liberty Square.

Authentic sound of Balkan-disco-schlager and specific energy of Magnifico at the stage will emit in the Liberty Square, and hits from the movies ‘Montevideo, Bog te video!’ and ‘Montevideo, vidimo se!’, ‘Shadows over Balkan’ TV show, as well as his latest album ‘Charlatan de Balkan’ will make the evening of 31 December pleasant for citizens of Novi Sad.

Dr Nele Karajlić, yet fairy and energetic, the man whose creativity inspired generations, multi-talented artist who wrote three books, worked as a director, founded music group, had numerous roles, wrote and composed songs, artist who is a founder of music genre will spend unforgettable midnight with citizens of Novi Sad.

Russian DJ duo Filatov & Karas will present themselves to Novi Sad during Doček 2019. With their platinum certification and singles that reached the top of European music lists, they are one of the most popular up and coming DJs.

They achieved great success and breakthrough with the edit of ‘The Good, The Bad and The Crazy’ single featured by French singer Imany. Since then, this duo achieved great success thanks to popular electro-hits, and they earned platinum certification with hit remix ‘Don’t Be So Shy’, which became hit no. 1 in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, Finland, France and other European countries. The hit was also on the list of most searched singles on the Shazam music platform. With ‘Time Won’t Wait’ hit that has more than 70 million views on YouTube channel and their remake of 80s hit ‘Tell It to My Heart’ with more than 40 million views on YouTube, this duo will undoubtedly make a great party in Novi Sad.

The concept of Doček consists of two celebrations: The celebration of the year 2019 will take place on 31 December during the entire day, mostly in open spaces and in the city centre, while the year 7526 will be celebrated on the eve of 13 January, only in closed space, and it will be spread across the city.

Mr Nemanja Milenković, CEO of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation, explains two ways of measuring time as richness of European and Serbian intangible cultural and historic heritage:
‘Celebrating two ways of measuring time and two calendars, and by opening the programme to diverse genres and performers from Europe, the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation continues its work on achieving the set goals, which are internationalisation and decentralisation of culture with participation of citizens’. He added that these two big celebrations connect interculturality bridge that intertwines parts of high aesthetics and pop culture, which brings new audience to high culture, while mass culture receives new standards and values, making it better.

By combining elements of high culture with pop and mass culture, discovering new locations, new buildings and performers, as well as by reminding of the existing ones, more than 60,000 people celebrated last year’s Doček in Novi Sad, at 4 locations in the first staged celebration on 31 December, and at more than 45 locations with more than 150 performers on 13 January.

The two celebrations are future gala opening and closing of 2021, when Novi Sad will become European Capital of Culture.


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