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Residential Programme – Unique Experience for International Exchange of Ideas

Institutions and organisations that have had organised an artist-in-residence programme, or participated in one, presented their activities during the work meeting of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ foundation team that started at 10 a.m. in the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad. Topics of the discussion were cooperation, as well as raising capacities of the existing programmes and their improvement through the Plants – Artists in Residence. The concept of the Plants – Artists in Residence, programme of the Novi Sad 2021 foundation, was presentedafter that, starting at 4 p.m. at the Petrovaradin Fortress in the Staterooms. The goal of this programme is to enable local artists to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues from around the world.  It is estimated that, by 2021, artists from Novi Sad will have a chance to travel in over twenty European cities. 

Artists from Novi Sad had a chance to inform themselves about the Plant – Artists in Residence programme for the first time. The basic idea of the programme is to enable cultural exchange through cooperation with European independent organisations, i.e. to give our artists opportunity to reside in other cities and work with artists in these cities on joint projects, as well as to bring foreign artists to Novi Sad.

The Plants – Artists in Residence programme will be implemented continuously in the following years. Vuk Radulović, manager of the expert team for international cooperation of the Novi Sad 2021 foundation, announced that we will strengthen international cultural cooperation by implementing the Plants – Artists in Residence programme in cooperation with numerous European organisations in the following period. Mr Radulović stressed that the focus is on sending Novi Sad artists abroad so that we could enable them to see and become part of the international art scene, and to acquire skills that they will later implement within the Novi Sad 2021 project.

– It is planned to implement 95% of the projects we prepare for 2021, when Novi Sad will become the European Capital of Culture, in cooperation with European partners. Some of the researches, however, show that only 13% of artists, art associations, and organisations from Novi Sad cooperate with European Partners. This is the reason why these meetings with managers who have already implemented artist-in-residence programmes in theirs cities offer artists from Novi Sad a unique chance to exchange experiences with artists from former European Capitals of Culture. This is, of course, crucial both for acquiring experience, and for strengthening capacities of the local art scene – Mr Radulović said.

Berenika Nikodemska, Coordinator of the artist-in-residence programme within Wrocław 2016 – European Capital of Culture, shared her experiences in working on this project. According to her, artist-in-residence programmes enable artists a unique experience that is acquired through international exchange of ideas. She added that artists can fully dedicate themselves to their creative processes because artist-in-residence programmes provide the necessary logistic and financial support during the artists’ residence in other countries.

Berenika Nikodemska said that a great number of artists in Wrocław have used and uses different residence programmes, because they help them financially and liberate them of all other problems directly related to artistic work, which is a benefit of residential programmes that artists from Novi Sad will also be able to use.

– Of course, the greatest importance of an artist-in-residence programmes is the fact that it enables great number of international contacts, as well as the fact that it continues to be implemented after the year of the European Capital of Culture title – Berenika Nikodemska stressed.

Petr Šimon, member of the Plzeň 2015 – European Capital of Culture project, and coordinator of the Plants – Artists in Residence programme, also attended the presentation of the artist-in-residence project. Mr Šimon informed artists of Novi Sad about the fact that leading up to 2015, when Plzeň was the European Capital of Culture, more than 80 artists from 21 countries participated in the exchange and various projects.

– All residential projects that were implemented were included in the Plzeň 2015 project. More importantly, the artist-in-residence programme in Plzeň continued after 2015, and it includes great number of international and local partners – Mr Šimon stressed.

Petr Šimon invited all artists and associations from Novi Sad that are interested to apply for currently open calls for residential projects that are going to be organised in Plzeň next year. The programme lasts two-three months, and it provides artists with accommodation and all other necessary preconditions for work, including honorarium.

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