A Vacancy for Cultural Manager

Workplace description   

Cultural manager


Higher education in the field of humanities, project management, cultural management, business administration.

Necessary experience

  • Implemented project cycles mainly in culture. Youth sector, creative industries, social programmes, etc. will be taken into consideration as well.

  • Experience of a project manager, with the knowledge on writing projects, development, financial monitoring and reporting is preferable.

  • Knowledge of English (minimum B1 level).

Workplace description

  • Managing the process of development and implementation of projects;

  • Managing the budget and financial monitoring and reporting on delegated projects;

  • Implementation of all administrative-operating business for the purposes of delegated projects;

  • Communication with applicants of project proposals and mediation between participants in the project: stakeholders, partners, competent administration and others;

  • Communication with third party in terms of offering general information about projects he/she manages;

  • Making sure that deadlines are met;

  • Participation in preparation of a draft contract;

  • Monitoring and checking on the entire project documentation;

  • Making regular detailed project reports.

Responsibilities and duties

Drawing up the budget, cost estimate, managing the entire project team, designing schedules, quality monitoring, planning project activities, planning and defining the amount of work and projects.


Skills of solving business problems, paying attention to details, skills of doing several tasks and projects at the same time, analytic ability, creativity, communication skills, patience, efficiency.

Work conditions

On a full-time basis

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