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Сарадња европских престоница културе: Нови Сад 2021 и Леуварден 2018

Уз подршку Фондације „Нови Сад 2021“ филмови новосадских аутора Ненада Микалачког и Саболца Толнаија представљени су на филмском фестивалу у холандском граду Леувардену, Европској престоници културе за 2018. годину. Као један од пројеката сарадње између две Европске престонице културе, филмови „Zu Hause“ и „Минотаур“ представили су Нови Сад на 39. Филмском фестивалу „Noordelijk Film Festival“ […]

Сарадња европских престоница културе: Нови Сад 2021 и Леуварден 2018 Read More »

Plus Platform of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation Promotes Cultural Diversity of Novi Sad

PLU5 platform is the proof that the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation promotes policy of cultural diversity in Novi Sad. It was initiated last year, and it reaches its culmination this November. Conference was held in order to present the programme within the platform. Mr Lazar Jovanov, artist programme manager of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation

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‘Planting Partnerships’ – Conference for Building New Partnerships

‘Planting Partnerships’ is the name of the conference implemented by the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation with the aim to build new partnerships. Danube AiR meeting was held during the first part of the conference from 4 until 7 November, within which representatives of residential programmes from Serbia and abroad shared their knowledge and practical advice.

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Divan ‘Mobility of Artists and Cultural Workers’

Another Divan of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation was held in the Egység cultural station on Tuesday, 6 November. It was dedicated to the topic of ‘Mobility of Artists and Cultural Workers’. Questions about the importance of mobility programmes and artistic residences for career were discussed, as well as organisation of cooperation between partner organisations

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Публика у фокусу и у Зони 021

На територији општине Беочин 5. октобра отпочео је пројекат „Storytelling – Причај ми причај, желим да знам”, који реализује Центар за културу, спорт и туризам општине Беочин, а кроз програм Публика у фокусу подржава Фондација „Нови Сад 2021 – Европска престоница културе”. Пројекат се заснива на специфичном радионичарском раду (тзв. storytelling метода која укључује примену различитих визуелних и

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Artists in Residence: International Music Residence

Ksawery Wójciński – double bass (Poland) and Szilveszter Miklós – drums (Hungary-Serbia) will stay in Novi Sad during the jazz festival within the ‘Plants AiR’ residential programme of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation in Novi Sad from 7 until 12 November. The music residence is an international artistic programme that promotes cooperation of famous foreign

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Audience in Focus: Symphony Fairy Tale for Children ‘Peter and the Wolf’ in Vrdnik

Symphony Orchestra of Vojvodina conducted by Mikica Jevtić performed ‘Peter and the Wolf’ symphony fairy tale for children by Sergei Prokofiev in the ‘Vrdniča Kula’ etno complex in Vrdnik on Saturday, 3 November. Actor Dragan Vujić Vujke, the first man of Terazije Theatre, joined the orchestra as the narrator. Entrance to the concert was free

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Audience in Focus: Democratisation of Digitalisation in Libraries

‘Democratisation of Digitalisation in Libraries’ is one of the projects supported through the ‘Audience in Focus’ open call of the Foundation with the funds allocated from the budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina for 2017. The project is organised by the City Library of Novi Sad in cooperation with the ‘Svetozar Marković’ University Library

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Svilara – New Cultural Oasis of Novi Sad

After two cultural stations Egység and Caravan, the life of another cultural station begun with the ‘24 Hours Svilara’ event within the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project, which contributes to decentralisation of cultural events in the city. The former factory for silk dyeing, as one of the most important facilities of

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