The British Council supports the project Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2021

During the official visit of the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Boris Johnson, to Serbia, the Ministry of Culture and Information and the British Council signed a two-year cooperation agreement.

According to this agreement, the British Council will provide full support to the project „Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2021“ in cooperation with the Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information in the following two years, work in the field of providing support to professionals in the audio-visual sector in Serbia and capacity building of Serbian museums.

– We want to do everything in our power to support this cooperation and to build bridges between the Great Britain and Serbia – said British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson on the occasion of signing the agreement.


Minister Johnson was presented a great success of the recent exhibition of Damian Hirst „New Religion“ held at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina as part of the promotion of „Novi Sad 2021“. British Minister of Foreign Affairs also met with representatives of the Exit festival, a partner of the British Council on developing a unique digital music platform.

Agreement on cooperation was signed in the presence of the Head of British diplomacy and the Serbian Minister of Culture and Information, Vladan Vukosavljevic, by director of the British Council for Serbia and the Western Balkans, Mrs. Clare Sears, and Deputy Minister of Culture and Information for International Cooperation, Mrs. Asja Drača Muntean.

The British Council pointed out in the statement that this agreement shows the commitment of two institutions to further develop and support international cooperation of the Great Britain and Serbia in the field of culture. Agreement was signed during the visit of the British Minister of Foreign Affairs to Yugoslav Film Archive in Belgrade.

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