New Website and Application about Novi Sad

On Monday 20 February, the ‘Šta je novosadski’ association promoted the ‘Priča se (p)o gradu Novom Sadu’ project and a new website and mobile application that act as tourist guides through Novi Sad.

This alternative guide through our city comprises numerous audio stories of local citizens of Novi Sad about interesting locations in the city connected with the interactive map. In this way, visitors have a chance to feel the unique audio-tour through the streets of Novi Sad.

The ‘Šta je novosadski’ association received support from the Novi Sad 2021 foundation for the website and application. Lazar Jovanov, who spoke on behalf of the Foundation, said that this project is relevant for several reasons, predominantly because it deals with current policy of the culture of remembrance and contributes to the re-identification of Novi Sad.

– The Novi Sad 2021 foundation supports projects that relate to development of new platforms for communication with the public, because they have participative character, i.e. they involve participation of citizens in creating new cultural contents – said Mr Jovanov as he announced that the Novi Sad 2021 website will develop a new platform, which will connect these routers and, in general, create a new presentation of the city of Novi Sad in a more urban and creative way.

The Novi Sad 2021 foundation, as Mr Jovanov stressed, should support these and similar initiatives that strengthen local community and local organisations, in order to join our energy and creativity, and through a synergic effect prepare for 2021, when Novi Sad will bear the title of the European Capital of Culture.

The ‘Šta je novosadski’ association has 33,000 followers on Facebook that constantly send their suggestions on what is typical for Novi Sad. Furthermore, on the Instagram profile, using #novosadski, they publish and award selected photographs taken by the citizens, and have accumulated a community of 29,000 followers. Using their original blog, they try to critically review certain phenomena in society and promote, according to their standards, important ideas of Novi Sad. Their initiative ‘Novosadski heroj’ (Hero of Novi Sad) has a goal to select local heroes, who use their knowledge, skills and character to positively influence the local community. The association also organises annual exhibition of photographs, and give the money raised by the event to charity.

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