

International Cooperation: Novi Sad Connected with African Capitals of Culture

Novi Sad, as the future European Capital of Culture, nurtures the cross-border cultural exchange for a long time and invests considerable efforts in development of new cultural forms of cooperation with other continents, including North America, Asia and Africa.

In the spirit of that, webinar, including 25 representatives of African and European Capitals of Culture, was held, which opened a new opportunity to present African culture in Novi Sad.

The ‘Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture’ project remains loyal to the international cultural cooperation and exchange, which we think is extremely important, especially in the wake of the pandemic, which greatly affected and restrained cross-border cultural exchange. We think that the webinar is a great chance to connect to capitals of culture in Africa and jointly discuss the chance for cooperation, exchange of knowledge and encouraging development of new artistic projects between cultural experts in Africa and Europe’, said Vuk Radulović, Head of the Department for International Relations in the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capitals of Culture’ Foundation.

During the webinar, the team of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ project presented project proposals that aim at promoting African culture, contemporary and traditional creative work in Novi Sad in the title year, when our city will be the centre of European culture and art.