отворен калеидоскоп културе

Multimedia Performance, Plays, Exhibitions and Movies Opened the Third Kaleidoscope of Culture

The audio-visual performance, with different forms of art intertwined, opened the third Kaleidoscope of Culture in Despota Stefana Boulevard last night, on the outer façade of Fabrika.

отворен калеидоскоп културе

This extraordinary performance told a story about the evolution of the former Great Liman by connecting different lines of scenic design, such as design of light and video, scenographic solution, music, scenic movement, and the ‘Wirefull’ kinetic installation, created with regard to the space of the former Great Liman. It started as a space of industrial and crafts production, and is now the space of cultural production.

Last night’s blend of different forms of art was not only an overture for the five weeks of exceptional cultural programme, but it also gave citizens an opportunity to choose their own kaleidoscope of culture.

On the space of the former Great Liman, future creative district, the public had a chance to enjoy the play ‘Anne Frank’ by Šabac Theatre, in front of the Lančara (chain factory), film screening ’Special Treatment’, within the ’Obnova’ film festival.

In addition to this, four exhibitions have been opened – ’Open Atelier’ by Tadija Janičić, Petar Mirković and Boris Lukić, the ’Great Liman: Narratives of Inherited Space’ exhibition by the PDP conference, ’Stories from the Workshop’ by Bojan Đurišić, as well as an exhibition of works by the students from the Department of Art and Design of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. Everybody interested could enjoy the virtual tour between Menza (canteen) and Lančara (chain factory).

Four days of the opening programme announce five weeks rich with cultural events and an open platform used for creation of the cultural-artistic programmes, at the site of the former Great Liman.

The Kaleidoscope of Culture is a yearlong project of culture of togetherness, which through different processes connects artists, cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, citizens and tourists, so that by the end of summer it can present spaces and programmes throughout the city, promoting a unique, distinct image of Novi Sad.

The rest you can see in the upcoming programme of the Kaleidoscope of Culture.


Photo Credit: V. Veličković, U. Dožić

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