Novi Sad and Timisoara – European cultural region 2021

The first steps in cooperation between Novi Sad and Timisoara, after the announcement the European Capitals of Culture 2021, were achieved today in Novi Sad. Ambassador of Romania to Serbia, Her Excellency Oana Cristina Popa, PhD visited Novi Sad and on that occasion met with the President of the Organizing Committee of „Novi Sad 2021“, Nemanja Milenković.

The main topic of the conversation was the future joint activities of Novi Sad and Timisoara as part of preparations for the European Capital of Culture 2021, especially through the creation of joint programs and the promotion of a unique „European cultural region“ made up of the two cities.


As pointed out during the meeting, already started activities and planned projects in culture will start the economy and tourism which will enable both Novi Sad and Timisoara to empower creative industries, new jobs, investment in cultural infrastructure and recognition not only in this region but also in Europe.

A special part of the meeting was devoted to the activities of the two cities through cultural and institutional engaging and connecting with the desire to establish stronger cooperation between Novi Sad and Timisoara NGO sector and independent cultural scene. One such project is the Revolution Festival which has been held in Timisoara for two years in the organization of EXIT, one of the best European music festivals, which brought together the two cities in another interesting and attractive way, and this cooperation will continue for sure!

During her visit to Novi Sad Ambassador of Romania to Serbia, Her Excellency Oana Cristina Popa, was the guest of the Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević. Ambassador Popa and Mayor Vučević congratulated each other on the occasion of the proclamation of Novi Sad and Timisoara as European Capitals of Culture 2021. As they pointed out after the meeting it is another, new „bridge“ that connects the two twin cities.

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