One hundred personalities from the field of culture in Novi Sad, artists, creatives and activists, respond to the question why, according to them, is good that Novi Sad becomes the European Capital of Culture in 2021, what are the positive and negative sides of Novi Sad cultural scene, what is their suggestion or idea of „Novi Sad 2021“ and what good things will it bring to the citizens of Novi Sad and what they would like to do or see in their city in 2021. The „KulturLica“ is implemented jointly by „Novi Sad 2021„,Academy of Arts in Novi Sad and Novosadska television. It is a short form, runs from 8 to 10 minutes, and the broadcast starts on Monday, August 1st. The show „KulturLica“ will be aired from then next 100 days every day in the form- one day, one figure in four terms on Novosadska television, and each day it will be post on the web site „Novi Sad 2021“.

– A rich tradition of Novi Sad as a starter of culture of the Serbian people in the 19th century, with the first high schools, the Matica srpska, the first theaters, as well as the great wealth of cultural heritage of 26 nationalities living in the city, are the facts forming the contemporary cultural scene of the city and almost all interviewed artists and culture workers emphasize as the greatest value of the cultural scene of our city which recommends us to obtain the prestigious title. From these series the public will find out how our artists and culture workers see the current scene, what are the strengths and weaknesses, but what is the most valuable in the whole series is that this project shows how we all strive to be the European Capital of culture and to show in those 365 days of the year what we have – what kind of value both in institutions and in contemporary independent scene and the people, said Mr. Nemanja Milenkovic, President of the Organizing Committee of Novi Sad 2021, who also pointed out that the one of the biggest values of this project is that absolutely everyone responded to participate in it, as well as the established cooperation with the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad and Novosadska television.
After three months of preparation and filming, on Monday, the public will be able to hear many interesting things such as, for example, this: Aleksandra Pleskonjić would like to play Sterija’s Fema and to shout „Paris, Paris, Europe“, artist Slobodan Tišma would like immediately to declare that we are alternative European Capital of Culture, Rita Kinka to play music „on the water“, Dragan Stanic would like to be an ordinary citizen who visits cultural events, because exactly those ordinary citizens will be in the best position that year, Tamara Petijević in addition to the new concert hall would like to see more flowers on the balconies of buildings in Novi Sad.