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novi sad 2021


The citizens of Novi Sad have shown – culture is a priority!

Program “Four days of culture” presented the candidacy concept for European Capital of Culture.


The „Four days of culture“ which was prepared by the creative team „Novi Sad 2021“ in charge of the preparation and promotion of the City of Novi Sad for the European Capital of Culture 2021, from July 16th to July 21st, presented the candidacy concept entitled „4 new bridges“, implemented in four different cultural events. Four memorable events ended with a fantastic concert of Stefan Milenkovic and the orchestra „Camerata Academica“ in the Katolicka porta. Programs were seen by more than 5,000 citizens of Novi Sad, as well as local, regional and national media, so the concept was presented in the best possible way.

The first of the „Four days of culture“ was marked by the presentation of a „bridge“ HOPE dedicated to cultural capacities and public spaces. Gallery ITD at the Petrovaradin Fortress hosted a jazz concert, precisely the exceptional music session held under the 6th Summer Jazz Academy Novi Sad – Dortmund. The project is being implemented as part of cooperation between twin cities – Novi Sad and Dortmund, and this year brought together more than 70 participants from almost all over the world. This time again, it is pointed out that the capacity of Novi Sad during summer can represent a regional center of jazz music.

Promotion of the „bridge“ FREEDOM and creative industries and youth was marked by the performance of creative young people who are members of VU- Orchestra from the Netherlands. In front of 1,500 citizens of Novi Sad, in the courtyard of the Gymnasium „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj“ for the first time in the open, a 100 Symphonic Orchestra Musicians from of the largest but also the best and most successful university orchestras in the Netherlands have performed. Being thrilled with a „warm“ reception from Novi Sad sophisticated audience, accustomed to recognize and accept the generous artistic giving, young Symphony Orchestra Musicians continued to play on the central streets of Novi Sad after the concert.


The play „Our place“, performed on the Ship- theater  anchored in the center of Novi Sad on the Danube, as the third event in a row, was the best way to present the citizens of Novi Sad and the third „bridge“ RAINBOW and conflicts and migrations, which it symbolizes. „Our place“ has confirmed that the life of a city is much more complex than we think it is – the eternal conflicts with „newcomers“, brought by continual waves of migrations, and the natives. What is encouraging and provides confidence in „a better tomorrow“ is that more than 600 citizens of Novi Sad who were watching the play responded positively and welcomed actors Nikolina Spasic and Milan Novakovic and director Bogdan Jankovic with thunderous applause.

The citizens of Novi Sad have enthusiastically welcomed the July 21st and concert of Stefan Milenkovic and the orchestra „Camerata Academica“. Katolicka porta was too small for all the fans of our famous violin virtuoso and top young artists of the orchestra members.

We could not imagine a better finish of the program „Four days of culture“ and the presentation of the last conceptual bridge called NEW and what it promotes – cultural heritage and hospitality.

nase mesto stefan milenkovic

Thus, is there a better recommendation to the City of Novi Sad from the statement of Stefan Milenkovic „to become the European Capital of Culture, first you have to be  the capital of culture, and Novi Sad has been a capital of culture in this area for a long time and has all the necessary qualifications for this title!“

For those who were unable to attend in person, Radio Novi Sad directly broadcast the concert, RTV Vojvodina broadcast the concert postponed, and both the national and provincial public services paid great attention to it. „Concert of Stefan Milenkovic is the grand finale of presentation of the candidacy of Novi Sad to wider audience, and citizens, but also a great proof that Novi Sad has an audience and a large capacity and desire to become European Capital of Culture,“ said Mr. Nemanja Milenkovic, President of the Organizing Committee of the candidacy of Novi Sad for European Capital of Culture 2021.

stefan milenkovic

The „Four days of culture“ in the four days of this summer perhaps was the best way to present the concept of Novi Sad candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2021, entitled „4 new bridges.“ The citizens of Novi Sad have showed once again that for them culture is a priority and that the various cultural events do have an audience.

Vreme i vaseljena – izložba o vremenu

Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

Izložba „Vreme i vaseljena – izložba o vremenu” povešće nas na putovanje od tame do svetlosti, od haosa do kosmosa, okvirena pričom o srpskom naučniku Milutinu Milankoviću kroz prizmu umetnosti.
Autor vizuelno-umetničkog dela postavke je Dušan Jovović, koji je ujedno i autor prestižnih multimedijalnih i interaktivnih izložbi koje su imale međunarodni odjek. Autor narativa je prof. dr Aleksandar Petrović, izuzetan poznavalac života i dela Milutina Milankovića, kojim se bavi preko 50 godina.

Džimi Tenor

Jimi Tenor

Finski muzičar i kompozitor Džimi Tenor prisutan je dugi niz godina na muzičkoj sceni. Prvi album objavio je 1988. godine sa bendom Jimi Tenor & His Shamans, da bi solo karijeru otpočeo 1994. albumom Sähkömies. Nastup ovog muzičkog vizionara, koji na autentičan način spaja džez sa drugim umetničkim žanrovima, gledaćemo u okviru Dočeka 2022. godine.



Jedna od najboljih portugalskih pevačica dolazi u Evropsku prestonicu kulture početkom 2022. godine! Nova kraljica fado muzike Karminjo potiče iz muzičke porodice i svojim radom spaja tradicionalni i savremeni fado, ali se bavi i drugim žanrovima, kao što je brazilska muzika.



Једна од најбољих португалских певачица долази у Европску престоницу културе почетком 2022. године! Нова краљица фадо музике Кармињо потиче из музичке породице и својим радом спаја традиционални и савремени фадо, али се бави и другим жанровима, као што је бразилска музика.

Џими Тенор

Jimi Tenor

Фински музичар и композитор Џими Тенор присутан је дуги низ година на музичкој сцени. Први албум објавио је 1988. године са бендом Jimi Tenor & His Shamans, да би соло каријеру отпочео 1994. албумом Sähkömies. Наступ овог музичког визионара, који на аутентичан начин спаја џез са другим уметничким жанровима, гледаћемо у оквиру Дочека 2022. године.

Време и васељена – изложба о времену

Time and Universe – Exhibition About Time

Изложба „Време и васељена – изложба о времену” повешће нас на путовање од таме до светлости, од хаоса до космоса, оквирена причом о српском научнику Милутину Миланковићу кроз призму уметности.
Аутор визуелно-уметничког дела поставке је Душан Јововић, који је уједно и аутор престижних мултимедијалних и интерактивних изложби које су имале међународни одјек. Аутор наратива је проф. др Александар Петровић, изузетан познавалац живота и дела Милутина Миланковића, којим се бави преко 50 година.