Discover my city

Volunteers as Virtual Guides to Cities – Capitals of Culture

Volunteers as virtual guides to the city – this is the idea of the online project ‘Discover My City’ that will be implemented via Zoom platform on Saturday, 28 November at 6 p.m.

Discover my city

The cycle of presentation of cities seen from different perspectives of local and foreign volunteers was opened by Galway, Ireland, in September, and now, it is turn for Novi Sad to be presented by four volunteers – Lila, a volunteer from France who lives in Novi Sad, Nikola, a volunteer of the Novi Sad Voluntary Service and student of the Faculty of Science, as well as Martina and Dušan, who currently work in the American Corner and Egység Cultural Station.

Join discovering Novi Sad via Zoom platform and find out about the city in a different way on the following link.

‘Discover My City’ is a volunteer exchange in an online space which has several goals: encouraging young people in public appearances, promotion of cities, encouraging volunteers to participate in volunteer exchanges and visit cities – European Capitals of Culture they present, improving foreign language and connecting with volunteers from around Europe.

The presentation includes two parts: interesting information about Novi Sad and discussion with participants.

The ‘Discover My City’ project is one of two online projects initiated within the non-formal network of coordinators of voluntary programmes by the European Capitals of Culture from 15 countries and 18 European cities, whose proud member is the Novi Sad Voluntary Service. The second project is ‘Sharing Your Story’, within which volunteers from different European cities talk about their voluntary experiences and motivate others to involve in voluntary adventures on the local and international level. Within the project, Bojana Krgović from Novi Sad introduced herself at the beginning of June.

The network of coordinators was initiated at the beginning of March this year, with the aim to exchange experience of working with volunteers, jointly prepare project proposals, solve dilemmas regarding the volunteer management and create mutual space for promotion of volunteering in culture.

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