
‘New Places – Microgranting’ Call: 13 Projects for Environmental Arrangement Completed

The second ‘New Places – Microgranting’ call for arrangement of small public spaces has been completed, within which 13 projects were selected this year, which is two more than the last year.

                                                                                               Image no. 1:  Part of the project in Liman 4

Parts of the city and the locations that will be arranged and get new amenities are various: Liman 1, yards in Bulevar Oslobođenja and Beogradski Kej, Ribarsko Ostrvo, Liman 3, Detelinara, Novo Naselje, Adice, Petrovaradin, Liman 4, Klisa and Rumenka.

                                                                      Image no. 2:  Part of the project for yard in Bulevar Oslobođenja Street

Associations whose projects were selected in the call are: ‘Youth Policy Institute’ association of citizens, residential communities in Detelinara and Kej, Association of students of the University of Novi Sad, ‘ZELENI SAD’ environmental association, Centre for multidisciplinary researches, ‘Moj Atar’ association of citizens, ‘Novi Sad 1748’ association of citizens, ‘Centar za Negovanje Tradicije – Ravničar’ association of citizens, ‘Invictabike’ cycling club from Novi Sad, European Youth Centre of Vojvodina, Projektarijum NS, ‘Jedinstvo’ FC Rumenka.

                                                                              Image no. 3:  Part of the project for space in Novo Naselje

Let us remind you, maximum approved funds for the selected projects are RSD 450,000.00. The funds allocated for the implementation of this year’s Microgranting call are RSD 6 million.

Decision of allocation of funds for the ‘New Palces – Microgranting’ call for 2020