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Od volonterskog servisa do Omladinskog centra

Od volonterskog servisa do Omladinskog centra                               Novi Sad, 6.oktobar 2017.   Na konferenciji za medije održanoj 6.oktobra, predstavljen je model Novosadskog volonterskog servisa – projekta koji treba da omogući sprovođenje kvalitetnog, održivog i organizovanog rada sa volonterima i volonterkama u Novom Sadu.  Istaknute su i faze realizacije projekta, koji će Novom Sadu ostati […]

Od volonterskog servisa do Omladinskog centra Read More »

PR Manager of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation Has Been Selected

Based on the open call of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ for the position of a PR Manager launched in June this year, the Panel for implementation of the call selected Mirjana Kovačević, PhD. Among the potential candidates, Ms Kovačević had the best references, and showed the most experience and skills

PR Manager of the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation Has Been Selected Read More »

The Open Call for Design of Public Spaces Ended – Citizens Participate in Choosing the Best Solution

In the previous period citizens participated in the selection process of four public spaces that will be improved in the following local communities: Južni Telep, Sremska Kamenica, Kovilj, and Detelinara. The plan is to implement this model in the remaining local communities in Novi Sad by 2021. The ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation launched the ‘Nova

The Open Call for Design of Public Spaces Ended – Citizens Participate in Choosing the Best Solution Read More »

U Novom Sadu u toku PLUS dani interkulturalnosti

Otvoren festival Synergy#WTF i održan međunarodni simpozijum “Uloga i značaj jezika u procesu individualne i kolektivne samoidentifikacije“ U Novom Sadu u toku PLUS dani interkulturalnosti    U okviru realizacije projekta „Plus“ Fondacije Novi Sad 2021 – Evropska prestonica kulture juče je na sceni Pera Dobrinović Srpskog narodnog pozorišta svečano otvoren festival ’’Synergy#WTF’’ koji se realizuje

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Novi Sad 2021 Foundation – Support for Cultural Projects

The Foundation initiative has been successfully implemented through ‘Tanz Platz’ festival of contemporary dance, which captured audience attention from day one   During the first year of implementation of the European Capital of Culture project, the ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation organised and supported over 60 different cultural programmes, the most important ones being ‘Dve.Nove’, ‘Non-Classical

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Synergy #wtf Festival, part of the ‘Plus’ project in Novi Sad in October

  At the press conference, held on 15 September 2017 in Novi Sad Theatre/Újvidéki Színház, the audience could see the concept of the new festival called Synergy #wtf, which is part of the ‘PLUS’ project, in organisation of the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ Foundation. After the announcement about the theatre season

Synergy #wtf Festival, part of the ‘Plus’ project in Novi Sad in October Read More »

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Residency in Plzeň – the Artist Has Been Selected!

The Panel comprising representatives of Novi Sad 2021 and Plzeň 2015 projects has made a decision to send Dragan Vojvodić, artist from Novi Sad to the residence in Plzeň. Dragan Vojvodić will spend six weeks in Plzeň, European Capital of Culture in 2015. His work will focused on making a light/interactive installation in public space,

Residency in Plzeň – the Artist Has Been Selected! Read More »

New Volunteer Platform – Collaboration of Two European Capitals

    Protocol on cooperation within the project Novi Sad Volunteer Service signed   Cooperation agreement was signed between the ‘Novi Sad 2021 – European Capital of Culture’ and ‘OPENS’ European Youth Capital during the conference held in the Congress Hall of the City Hall in Novi Sad, on 14 September. Novi Sad has had

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‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation – A Bridge in Creating Dialogue

  During last several months, ‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation has successfully taken on the role of a mediator between expert and wide public in the process of revitalisation of the so-called Chinese Quarter. Preservation of industrial heritage and transformation of this space into the Youth Creative Polis is one of the most important projects of

‘Novi Sad 2021’ Foundation – A Bridge in Creating Dialogue Read More »

New Mural in Novi Sad – Democratisation of Classical Art

Citizens were thrilled during the creation of the mural, which became part of Novi Sad on Monday.   The facade of a building at Trg Neznanog Junaka (Unknown Soldier Square) has a new mural since Monday. Julien de Casabianca, French-Corsican visual artist, displayed, in a magnificent way, the motif from a painting that is part

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